Oshawa Visits & Beyond


HITS AND VISITS FROM THE OSHAWA AREA britishpeoplesleague.com/stats Finally after decades, a way that works for us! BPL PRIVATE IN-HOUSE MEETINGS ARE MUSHROOMING ALL OVER.

Oshawa was our first FORMAL experiment with private in-house meetings, and bang! the way to GO! Airing our grievances while sharing pints.

WANT IN ? email : britishcanada@gmail.com Once you have made initial contact, our interviewers will arrange discussions with you by one method or another.

BPL interviewers will let you know soon afterwards if you are to be invited.

There are no membership cards, no platforms (if you don’t know why we gather, you had best re-read the BPL editorials……and if you still don’t get it, we don’t want you!).

The business of saving one’s HERITAGE HISTORY AND RACE is not for triflers, nor Saturday nighters!